Ace Ninja
A downloadable game
Fighting Android Game (on development).
There are phaeses when the time for the phase is run out or you killed all the enemies the game is making new phase, the phase go harder and harder.
You can reset all your levels, skills and skill points in the settings and also you can reset the skills that you learned for 2 skill points and you will get all the points that you paid for the skills.
For any kill you do you get xp that you level up with, for every level you will get a skill point that can be used to learn skills in the menu that can help you to get better in the game.
After you finishing phase you will get healed by 2 * phase number
The skill dash has 3 times dash and after that he will be need to recharge to avoid spamming
Blue Ninja Skin: you can buy it from the shop for 15 coins and this skin gives you +2 speed!
Enemies list:
1. Zombie Nerd: He will spit on you!
2. Fast Circle: He will kick you fast!
3. Drone: Strikes powerful lightnings!
4. Ugly Horse: He's punching with his head and leaving poop under him when he running!
5. Fire Butterfly: Shooting on you fireball in circle when your close to him!
6. Black Hole: He's making a black hole that grows when you are far away and when close it throws the black hole and the black hole takes you by its size!
7. Tank: Shoot you when your far away laser beam attack when you are in front of him flying attack when your very close to him!
8. Store Man: He will shoot chest on you and if you get close to him you will be able to open his shop!
9. FastSnail: Shoot waves on you!
The task will spawn just if the phase is 5 or higher and the StoreMan is just if the phase is 10 or higher
Ninja Pet: Fighting pet that you can find in the StoreMan shop for 20 coins
Portal Gun: Shooting fast and double projectiles at ones deal less damage and can be found in the StoreMan shop for 55 coins
Free code to start the game with fun: FR553Z (you need to upper letters, to redeem just go to settings type this and click redeem the prize is: 2 skill points if you will click on the reset all button you will be able to use the code again)
Game In Google Play Store: Coming soon